Sunday, October 9, 2011

Brazilian Baby Back Ribs

This is a real simple set up I picked up from a friend who picked up it up from her friend so on and so forth. It's a simple prep, it involves beer in the recipe (so your old lady thinks that six pack you brought home from the store is for cookin') and gets you out to the grill fast.

Here's what you need:
1 full baby back rack
3 cans of shitty bear
Rock salt
Finely grated parmesan cheese

Cut the rack into 3rds
Arrange in a Pyrex 3qrt oblong baking dish
Sprinkle with rock salt
Let sit for 10 minutes
Once meat has opened up
Squeeze limes over ribs and drowned in beer
Let sit for about 1 hour

Get your BBQ grill heated to high
Place slabs of meat on the hottest part of the grill
I recommend using a stopwatch
Time 2 minutes rib side down
Then 4 minutes meat side down
As you rotate between sides poor over the meat more beer and lime juice
Continue till you get to about 30 minutes and the meat is looking just right (I know real scientific) times may vary due to the thickness of the cut.
When you pull your racks of ribs from the grill sprinkle with parmesan and wrap foil around the meat and plate that the rack is on. Let that rest for 5 minutes.
Cut and eat

Always remember: more is more

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Mi Casa

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